Bell Law Group PLLC


Attorneys/Legal Services

About Us

When an employer is facing unwarranted or entirely fabricated accusations from their employees, they deserve steadfast legal representation that can react quickly and skillfully, and preserve their reputation. Fortunately, if you’re an employer in this situation, you’ve come to the right place. Bell Law Group, PLLC has more than 100 years of combined experience representing employers in a variety of employment law disputes, including:

Discrimination claims
Sexual harassment complaints
Employment contract disputes
Wage & hour complaints
ADA defense

That said, you should note that we do much more than litigation and dispute resolution. We also work with employers and managers to help them avoid disputes in the future. Some of these services include:

Regulatory compliance
Human Resources and management training

Whether you are looking to protect your business from substantial legal damages, regulatory penalties, or a tarnished reputation, make sure you work with a team of defense attorneys who are focused on doing right by you.